Springbox Water System

Community of Sabawas, Bocay River, Nicaragua

Sponsored by: Erwin Family and Coastal Container Corp., Pensacola, FL

The community of Sabawas, located on the Bocay River, had waited for several years to finally get a water system. One of the problems was the distance from the community to the only available spring - over 3 miles. While the community provided the labor to dig the trench, the cost of the PVC pipe made the project quite expensive. Our colleague in Nicaragua - Ronnie Hopkins - put out a request for project sponsors. The Erwin family agreed to fund the project.

Spring Water Collection Box in Progress

Trench being Excavated by Community

The community consists of about 60 families and was in dire need of a dependable, sanitary water supply. The only nearby source was a creek which went dry in the summer - when people need water the most! In addition, the creek was contaminated by farm animals. The spring was by far the best solution.

Dedication Ceremony

Tara, Amanda, Ed and Ronnie at Water Station

Once the project was completed we were invited by the community to come help them dedicate the project. Amanda Erwin and her daughter Tara were able to make the trip. They were quite imppressed with the project and the community members were very appreciative of their contribution to provide clean, dependable water. To God be the Glory!!

Technical Details

Project date: February 2021 - April 2022

Location: Sabawas Community, Bocay River, Nicaragua

Project cost: $21,600

Type of project: Springwater Collection System

People served: 60 Families

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